Rariora musei Besleriani quae olim Basilius et Michael Rupertus Besleri collegerunt.... [Nuremburg]: 1716.

图片文件尺寸 : 4025 x 4233px

LOCHNER, JOHANNES HENRICUS. 16951715.:Rariora musei Besleriani quae olim Basilius et Michael Rupertus Besleri collegerunt…. [Nuremburg]: 1716.
Folio (290 x 182 mm). Engraved portrait of Lochner, 40 folding plates. Modern cloth. Portrait trimmed, plate 3 laid down on paper, staining throughout, affecting plates.
Provenance: Thomas Dale, M.D. (ink inscription dated 1783); William Clift (ink inscription dated 1833).

FIRST EDITION OF THIS CATALOGUE OF BESLER\’S FAMOUS COLLECTION, first assembled by the German apothecary Basil Besler (1561-1629); upon his death, his nephew Michael Rupert Besler (1607-1661) \”inherited the marvelous cabinet of rarities\” (Wilson, The History of Mineral Collecting p 160; p 204).
Balsinger pp 691-92; Murray, II, p 117; Nissen ZBI, 348 (under Besler, Michael).

洛克纳,约翰内斯·亨里克斯16951715. 1716年,曾在纽伦堡巴西利乌斯和迈克尔·鲁珀图斯·贝斯勒里上大学的贝斯勒里亚博物馆。

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