Tabulae Rudolphinae, quibus astronomicae scientiae, temporum longinquitate collapsae restauratio continentur. Ulm: Jonas Saur, 1627.

图片文件尺寸 : 4192 x 4644px

KEPLER, JOHANNES. 15711630. :Tabulae Rudolphinae, quibus astronomicae scientiae, temporum longinquitate collapsae restauratio continentur. Ulm: Jonas Saur, 1627.
Folio (330 x 226 mm). Roman and italic types, double column, printed shoulder notes. Engraved allegorical frontispiece designed by Kepler, depicting Hipparchus, Ptolemy, Copernicus, Brahe, and Kepler gathered in the Temple of Urania, numerous woodcut diagrams in text, including a full-page of diagrams on k3v, woodcut initials, large woodcut device on part 2 section title. With the 4-leaves \”Sportula genethliacis missa\” (q4) printed in Sagan and dated 1629, inserted after the tabulae. Early 18th-century half-sheep and mottled boards, spine gilt in 7 compartments with red and green morocco lettering piece, red speckled edges, a few gatherings (including \”Sportula\”, sig. q, issued in 1629) browned (as often). Provenance: Co. Riccati (Jacopo Francesco Riccati (1676-1754, Venetian mathematician; bookplate on title verso).

FIRST EDITION OF KEPLER\’S LAST LIFETIME PUBLICATION AND HIS CROWNING ACHIEVEMENT, THE \”FOUNDATION OF ALL PLANETARY CALCULATIONS FOR OVER A CENTURY\” (Sparrow). Third state, with second quire [):():(4] on different paper, albeit trimmed here to the same size as the adjacent leaves. \”The tables are extraordinarily important, for they document in a unique way Kepler\’s great contributions to astronomy\” (Gingerich). \”Besides the planetary, solar, and lunar tables and the associated tables of logarithms it includes Tycho Brahe\’s catalog of 1,000 fixed stars, a chronological synopsis, and a list of geographical positions … Kepler was an astronomer\’s astronomer. It was the astronomers who recognized the immense superiority of the Tabulae Rudolphinae. For the professionals the improvement in planetary predictions was a forceful testimony to the efficacy of the Copernican system\” (Sparrow). Based on Tycho Brahe\’s observations, the tables were then supplemented by Kepler\’s own observations. The calculations were a major mathematical achievement, as of course, Brahe\’s data applied erroneously to \”perfect\” circular orbits. Kepler had discovered the true elliptical shape of the planetary orbits, and thus, had to recalculate everything according to his new laws. The printing history of the book, during the 30 years\’ war, is quite complex. There were 1000 copies printed in Ulm in 1627, with three known states, affecting the title and the first two gatherings. Some copies are known with a posthumously published world map, and some have a posthumous appendix – neither is present in this copy. \”In excusing the long delay in publication… [Kepler] mentioned in the preface [p. 6] not only the difficulties of obtaining his salary and of the wartime conditions but also \’the novelty of my discoveries and the unexpected transfer of the whole of astronomy from fictitious circles to natural causes, which were most profound to investigate, difficult to explain, and difficult to calculate, since mine was the first attempt\’\” (DSB). Caspar 79; Gingerich Johannes Kepler and the Rudolphine tables; Houzeau and Lancaster 12754; Lalande p 190; Norman 1208; Sparrow 116.

开普勒,约翰内斯1571-1630. 鲁道夫的桌子被称为天文学,包括餐厅倒塌的时间。乌尔姆乔纳斯·索,1627年。

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