Clear Sky Over a Farm; Ranch Canyon; Turning Hills sizes to 6 1/2 x 8 1/2in each unframed

图片文件尺寸 : 3999 x 4302px

Gottardo Fidele Ponziano Piazzoni:
Clear Sky Over a Farm; Ranch Canyon; Turning Hills (a group of three)
Farm unsigned, Ranch signed and dated \’GPIAZZONI \’17\’ (lower right) and titled in the margin in a later hand (center left); Hills signed and dated \’GPIAZZONI \’12\’ (lower right), also signed, inscribed and dated \’GFP. Piazzoni / Mill- Valley- \’12\’ in the artist\’s hand and titled in a later hand (on the reverse)
each oil on board
sizes to 6 1/2 x 8 1/2in
each unframed
Farm undated, Ranch Painted in 1917; Hills Painted in 1912.

戈塔多·菲德尔·蓬齐亚诺·皮亚佐尼 农场上空晴空万里牧场峡谷Turning Hills尺寸为6 1/2 x 8 1/2英寸,每个无边框

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