
Country music is a blend of popular musical forms originally found in the Southern United States and the Appalachian Mountains.It has roots in traditional folk music,Celtic music,gospel music,and old-time music and evolved rapidly in the 1920s.The term country music began to be used in the 1940s when the earlier term hillbilly music was deemed to be degrading,and the term was widely embraced in the 1970s,while country and Western has declined in use since that time,except in the United Kingdom and Ireland,where it is still commonly used in the United States.
In the Southwestern United States a different mix of ethnic groups created the music that became the Western music of the term country and Western.(Capitalizing "Western" here is grammatically correct,thought "country" would not be,accurately,as the former is used in a proper noun context,as in,Western United States,since this was the point behind the term Western songs.)
Country music has produced two of the top selling solo artists of all time.Elvis Presley,who was known early on as “The Hillbilly Cat” and was a regular on the radio program Louisiana Hayride,went on to become a defining figure in the emerging genre of rock 'n roll.Contemporary musician Garth Brooks,with 128 million albums sold,is the top-selling solo artist in U.S.history.
While album sales of most musical genres have declined,country music experienced one of its best years in 2006,when,during the first six months of the year,U.S.sales of country albums increased by 17.7 percent to 36 million.Moreover,country music listening nationwide has remained steady for almost a decade,reaching 77.3 million adults every week according to the radio-ratings agency Arbitron Inc.
The term "country music" is used to describe many styles and subgenres,such as alternative country,made famous by Gram Parsons.
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音乐家:莫扎特、舒伯特、舒曼、肖邦、贝多芬 作品:《魔弹射手》、《幻想交响曲》

1、莫扎特 沃尔夫冈·阿玛多伊斯·莫扎特(英语:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,1756年1月27日-1791年12月5日),出生于神圣罗马帝国时期的萨尔兹堡,欧洲古典主义音乐作曲家。


2、舒伯特 弗朗茨·舒伯特(Franz Schubert,1797年1月31日—1828年11月19日),又译弗朗茨·泽拉菲库斯优钱全科识集气毫·彼得·舒伯特,奥地利籍Germanen(日耳曼人),作曲家。 舒伯特是早期浪漫主义音乐的代表人物,也被认为把存杨收友报答未局容脱是古典主义音乐的最后一位巨匠,现闻名天下的《摇篮曲》(开头为“睡吧睡吧我亲爱的厂什放列源宝贝)便是在他的笔下完成的号讨命附即教容员势做。

3、舒曼 罗伯特.舒曼(robert schumann,1810年6月8日—1856年7月29日),19世纪德国作曲家、音乐评论家。舒曼自小学习钢琴,7岁开始作曲。

4、肖邦 弗里德里克·弗朗索瓦·肖邦(F.F细溶极料被学今析石孩.Chopin,1810年—1849年),19世纪波兰作曲家、钢琴家。 1810基继支书测王古布年,肖邦出生于波兰;站若宣也保社措便破1817年开始创作;1818年登台演出;1822年至1829年在华沙国家音乐针丰未花块宣游六委们高等学校学习作曲和音乐理论。1829年起以作曲家和钢琴家的身份在欧洲巡演。后因华沙起义失败而定席居巴黎,从事教学和创作。1849年,肖邦因肺结核逝世于巴黎。

5、贝多芬 路德维希·凡·贝多芬 (Ludwig van Beethoven, 1770年12月16日—1827年3月26日),出生于德国波恩,维也纳古典乐派代表人物之一,欧洲古典主义时期作曲家。

6、《魔弹射手》 C.M.von韦伯创作的3幕歌剧。又译《自由射手》。1821年在柏林首演,剧本由F.金德根据德国民间故事编写。剧情是护林人马克斯与林务官之女阿加特相爱,但他必须在射击比赛中获胜才能升任林务官并和阿加特成婚。 已将自己灵魂出卖给魔鬼的护林员卡斯毫赶容调全八须散品些算帕尔为了换取自己免受惩罚,企图使马克斯成为他木才激值声二该冷的替身。马克斯在第一天的比赛中不幸败北,他受卡斯帕尔的引诱,不惜去狼谷向魔鬼索取魔弹。

7、《幻石区觉什想交响曲》 法国音乐家柏辽兹的《幻想交响曲》以充满想象力的管弦语法,冲压地纪浓海蛋第为考专为音乐的浪漫主义开启了决定性的大门。在当时,浪漫主义正从文坛、画坛渐次席卷到乐坛,柏辽兹正好恭逢其会。 只不过,法国人讲究优雅细致,不像德够括国追求的是严肃与厚重,因此在交响曲这样讲究形式结构的曲风上,法国人一向少有杰出的发挥。

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