

Van Gog360问答h:In His Own WordsThe life of Van Gogh is often overshadowed by the incident己位整营提s that fil矛谈宜毫l it. But look a little deeper, on beneath the sad events, an exceptional character s每并绿站某hines out. A person whose days were fil田践息led with beauty, 建治船皇passion and love. This is an account of his life in his own words and through his own picturesThough I am often in the depths of misery, there is sti重端增径娘为方策视气ll calmness, pure harmony and mu视由航轴正sic inside me.Van Gogh was born in the Netherlands. He began his career as an art dealer, but later chose to become a miss错顶练界专ionary. In this capacity, he was sent to a mining village in Belgium. But his compassion for the poor, led him to give away all his possessions, for which the church dismissed him. H朝叫氧时钟注获e stayed on 省in the village, and decided to become an artist at 27 years old. His abundant enthusiasm helped him learn quickly.If you hear a voice within you say, "You cannot paint," then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.I experience a period of frightening clarity in tho杆夜老任印se moments when nature is so beautiful.I am no longe北末越室集烈益这r sure of myself, and the paintings appear 差as in a dream.Love many things, for therein lies t棉物he true strength.And whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much,and what is done in love is done well.I want to paint me突执终衣知降井钢百连n and women with that certain eternal touch.During his life, this was the only painting Van Gogh managed to sell. As an artist, he was extremely poor, with seldom enough money to buy food, let alone 田转距结最敌以paying som互故呀财两急民让e brushes.What am I in the eyes of most people? A nonentity, an eccentric, or an unpleasant person, somebody who has no position in society and will never have…Even if that were absolutely true, then I should one day like to show by my work what such an eccentric, such a nobody, has in his heart.


有:康定斯基(W.Kandinsky,1866~1944俄罗斯画家)、蒙德里安(P.Mondrian,1872~1944荷兰画家)、霍夫曼(Hans Hofmann,1880~1966年美国画家)。胡安·米罗(Joan Miró,1893~1983西班牙画家)、罗伯特·马瑟韦尔(Robert Motherwell,1915~1991美国画家)。德·库宁(Willem De Kooning,1904~1997年,荷兰籍美国画家)、杰克逊·波洛克(Jackson Pollock,1912~1956,美国画家)。赵无极(zhaowuji,1921~2013,中国籍法国画家)、朱德群(zhudequn,1920~2014,中国籍法国画家)、汪京元(wangjingyuan,1959年,中国画家)。1、胡安·米罗(Joan Miró,1893年4月20日—1983年12月25日),西班牙画家、雕塑家、陶艺家、版画家,超现实主义的代表人物。是和毕加索、达利齐名的20世纪超现实主义绘画大师之一。2、威廉·德·库宁,简称德·库宁,荷兰籍美国画家,抽象表现主义的灵魂人物之一,新行动画派的大师之一。在他创作生涯中,人体成为其绘画创作的主体,加以风景及书写的符号来发展他的抽象世界。3、杰克逊·波洛克(Jackson Pollock,1912-1956),美国画家,抽象表现主义绘画大师,也被公认为是美国现代绘画摆脱欧洲标准,在国际艺坛建立领导地位的第一功臣。4、罗伯特·马瑟韦尔(伯恩斯)(Robert Motherwell,1915-1991年),美国画家。他以抽象表现主义绘画以及有关现代艺术的论著而著名。5、皮特·科内利斯·蒙德里安(英文:Piet Cornelies Mondrian,1872年3月7日-1944年2月1日),荷兰画家,风格派运动幕后艺术家和非具象绘画的创始者之一,对后世的建筑、设计等影响很大。蒙德里安是几何抽象画派的先驱,以几何图形为绘画的基本元素,与德士堡等创立了“风格派”,提倡自己的艺术“新造型主义”。参考资料来源:百度百科-抽象派参考资料来源:百度百科-罗伯特·马瑟韦尔参考资料来源:百度百科-胡安·米罗

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