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The painting »Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers«was version nr. 4 of the Arles Sunflower ser来自ies by Vincent van Gogh, also executed duri百放把最率持被为察志ng August 1888. Th360问答e backgrou决杂那银眼映纸nd has turned to yellow,
the Sunflowers, four岁料达th version: yellow background dimensions are 92.1 cm× 73 cm and the oil on canvas painting is now to be see联研北吸其则土效n in the
National Gallery, London, England.


Sunflowers (官右回介original title, in French: Tou黑法班rnesols) are the subject of two series of 失整较查曾乡染世still life paintings by the Dutch painter Vincent van GoghThe ear白延lier series executed in Paris in 1887 gives the flowers lying onthe ground, while the second set executed a year later in Arles showsbouquets of sunflowers 握玉黑主扩万承司西规in a vase. In the 以商国象掉战artist's mind both sets werelinked by the name of his friend 王蛋的巴蒸造情罪感吗愿Paul Gauguin, who acquired two of the Paris v乎矿其什ersions. A孔府己作弱减第兰bout eight months later Van Gogh hoped to welcome and to impress Gauguin again with Sunflowers, now part of the painted décoration he prepared f史步or the guestroom of his Yellow 坏胡难Housewhere Gauguin wa球命置元确观增迅吸愿s supposed to sta伯落出y in Arles. After Gau烧抗校按间怕好guin's departure,Van Gogh imagined the two major versions as wings of the Berceuse Triptych, and finally he included them in his exhibit at Les XX in Bruxelles
There are pieces of artwork drifting through galleries around the world thathave become nearly synonymous with the artists name and techniques. The various
paintings of Sunflowers and Vincent van Gogh are a perfect example of this. Not
only can one make a mental connection between the artists name and painting but
also between the artist and their influence on the development of art through
these paintings. Vincent van Gogh's Sunflower paintings have been duplicated
many times by various artists (although never reaching the vivacity and
intensity of Van Gogh's) and displayed everywhere; from households to art expos.
Upon looking at these paintings one begins to notice aspects that seem to flow
from one piece to another. The colors are vibrant and express emotions typically
associated with the life of sunflowers: bright yellows of the full bloom to arid
browns of wilting and death; all of the stages woven through these polar
opposites are presented. Perhaps this very technique is what draws one into the
painting; the fulfillment of seeing all angles of the spectrum of life and in
turn reaching a deeper understanding of how all living things are tied together.
There are many pieces within this series of paintings (each is clearly
identifiable as a Van Gogh work) in which there are only minor differences that
separate them. The overall layout of the painting along with positioning of the
actual sunflowers usually remains the same in the similar paintings. Below youcan see highlighted areas of difference between two similar sunflower paintings.

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