good youngman brown 体现了什么样的清教思想?





If one believes in the “fictional reality” (虚构的真实)of the story, the theme would be that there is always gap between what one looks like and what one really is, between public virtue and private sin.

If one tends to see Brown’s experience as his own nightmare, the theme would be how the Puritans’ strict moral code and overemphasis on the sinfulness of humankind foster undue suspicion and distrust.

Whether or not the meeting in the woods is reality or dream does not matter.  In either case, Goodman Brown’s experience in the forest causes him to lose his faith in others and die an unhappy man. The point is that Puritanism required their followers to doubt themselves and their community, and this mistrust and self-doubt that is inherent in Puritan education and doctrine does not create faith and peace.  It creates only further confusion instead.

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